The Future of Data Science and
Machine Learning at Enterprise Scale-
A Modern Data Strategy Discussion
Leveraging data and customer analytics to innovate, differentiate and create a competitive edge is more powerful than it has ever been. Whether small or large, in traditional or emerging industries, enterprise data science teams are increasingly using machine learning to maximize the value of their business data. nevitably, these teams will experience hurdles and setbacks at various points in their journey.
We get you the best expert opinion as we cover the most common challenges of using your data for modern machine learning and analytics during this modern data strategy discussion:
- Find out how you can use your data warehouse to complement your modernization of data learning and intelligence
- Discover how you can use any data from any source for your machine learning and analytical needs and formulas
- Learn how success of your machine learning and AI depends on your data
The questions is: Does your business need it now?
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9AM PT | 10AM MT | 11AM CT | 12PM ET
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