What We Do

8AM / 8PM
CLUB8 – a Consumex initiative – is an
exclusive cult of elite invite – only CXOs.
Club8 was founded for the purpose of
networking, learning, and, most
importantly, gaining broad insights into
the practical tools and professional
guidance required to transform ideas
into critical business drivers

Conference & Awards
Consumex – A professional conference &
awards organiser, invites senior-level
speakers and contributors who are
pioneers in their respective fields.
These experts participate in extensive
discussions with industry representatives
about key industry issues and trends.
Our subjects have been thoroughly
researched and logically planned

Managed Events
We can do as much or as little as you
would like to help organize and manage
your event. Our team has combined
experience of over 35 years in research,
production, sourcing speakers,
audience development, sponsorship
and management of events including
venue finding, logistics, across the globe

Major brands have made our
roundtables an integral part
of their business strategy to
engage with their clients and
raise brand awareness

Panel Discussions
Our bespoke panel discussions have
invited diverse perspectives to topics
and encouraged open dialogue
between the audience and panelists.
Now, we have evolved as the first
choice for CXOs and leading brands
across the globe

Live Webinars
Back by popular demand, our live
webinars have connected over
2600 senior executives with
leading solutions providers and
enabled them find the right prospects